Sunday, December 22, 2024


Tea production in Assam and West Bengal is facing significant cÍŹhalÍŹlenÍŹges thÍŹis seasÍŹon, witÍŹhÍŹ ÍŹinÍŹduÍŹstryÍŹ souÍŹrces reporÍŹtiÍŹng that insuffiÍŹcieÍŹnt rainfall and excessiÍŹveÍŹ heat are severely ÍŹhampeÍŹringÍŹ output.AccordingÍŹ to tÍŹhe Tea Association of InÍŹdia (TAIÍŹ), ÍŹdaÍŹta froÍŹm...
On January 22, 2024, Assam will mark a 'dry day' to commemorate the consecration ceremony of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.The Assam government announced this as a gesture of reverence for the important religious occasion.Tourism Minister...

Tea production drops by approximately 4% to 177.95 Million Kilograms in August

Tea production across the country witnessed a decline of approximately four percent in August of this year, with the total output reaching 177.95 million...

Assam and QCI unite to strengthen food safety framework in the state

The Quality Council of India (QCI) and the Commissionerate of Food Safety in Assam, under the Department of Health and Family Welfare, have entered...

Assam dairy cooperative, WAMUL, expands beyond milk with ‘Purabi Honey’ launch

Assam's dairy cooperative, WAMUL, has launched honey under its 'Purabi' brand, sourced from a local beekeeper. They have also supported the establishment of the...

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