Home Luxury Alia Bhatt to have ‘Vegan Baby Shower’: Is Veganism any Good During Pregnancy?

Alia Bhatt to have ‘Vegan Baby Shower’: Is Veganism any Good During Pregnancy?


The B-town’s beautiful mommy-to-be, Alia Bhatt, is in her happiest phase of life. Earlier this year, she not only got married to her Shehazada, Ranbir Kapoor, but she is also carrying their love in her womb. 

Recently she had her baby shower function, attended by other members of the Bhatt and Kapoor families and some of Alia’s friends. Reports suggest that Alia Bhatt’s Baby Shower menu was all Vegan. Let us remind you all that Alia Bhatt turned Vegan in 2020.

So her baby shower was all Vegan themed.

Veganism, A Global trend?

The global vegan food market is being boosted by increased awareness of animal health and cruelty in the food industry, which has resulted in a significant shift toward plant-based food products and away from animal-based products. Now you can find alternatives for everything from meat to eggs to dairy products, anywhere in the market. Even in restaurants, they are having multiple options for vegan people. 

Plant-based dairy and meat sales surpassed $29 billion in 2020, with a projected increase to $162 billion by 2030. This means that plant-based meat and dairy substitutes already account for nearly 8% of the global “protein foods” market. Plant-based food sales are expected to more than fivefold by 2030, according to the Bloomberg Intelligence Report. 

Pregnancy and Vegan Diet? Confused?

According to doctors, eating a healthy diet during pregnancy is essential for both the mom’s and baby’s health. So, it is crucial to consume a well-balanced diet while pregnant to provide your body with healthy and wholesome nourishment. A fruit and vegetable-rich diet can protect you from pregnancy complications like preeclampsia (high blood pressure) and gestational diabetes. A plant-based diet may lower your child’s risk of developing certain childhood diseases like asthma, eczema, and even some cancers.

But some essential nutrients, like iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and protein, are not present in vegan foods. So make sure you have a well-planned vegan diet while you are pregnant. You should take all the nutrients mentioned above as supplements or have to search for alternatives. We are here to provide some plant-based substances rich in essential nutrients.

Vitamin B12

This, along with folic acids, helps develop the fetal brain and is also essential for red blood cell formation and building genetic material. It’s better to ask your doctor about the amount of B12 you need, apart from the amount already present in your prenatal.

Best Vit B12 sources for vegan pregnant mothers:

  • Vitamin B12-fortified plant milk
  • Fortified cereals
  • Fortified meat substitutes
  • Nutritional yeast

Vitamin D

This essential vitamin helps to build and maintain healthy teeth and bones. The best source to get Vit D if you are vegan is

  • To sit a few mins in the sunlight.
  • Vit D fortified soy milk and cereals are also good.

But it’s better to talk to your doctor about Vit D supplements.


It is for your and your baby’s bone health. These are the sources if you are vegan.

  • Calcium-fortified yoghurts and plant milk, these foods make it easier to get enough calcium. Choose unsweetened versions whenever possible.
  • White beans, chickpeas, and lentils
  • Sesame seeds, almonds, and tahini
  • Dried figs


 Iron and zinc

They are abundant in nuts and walnuts. To meet your selenium needs, eat one to two daily nuts and walnuts and hemp, chia, or flax seeds to meet your alpha-linolenic acid needs. Pulses, dark green vegetables, nuts, omega-3 fats, fruits, and other plant-based foods are among the iron-rich foods for vegans.



Because soy products are high in protein, they can frequently be used instead of meat in recipes. Make an effort to select vegetable fats high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

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Bottom Line

Nature intends for the physical and hormonal changes of pregnancy to ensure the mother’s and baby’s growth and development. It is considered the second birth of a woman. So whatever you do in this period will reflect your baby’s health. We have provided generalised sources for a vegan diet. We suggest you consult your doctor before following any diets during this time. 


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