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New Delhi

COP 28’s Unspoken Recipe For Change and Its Impact on the Food Industry


From shaping environmental policies to revolutionising what lands on our dinner plates, COP 28 (the 28th edition of the Conference of the Parties), is making waves towards a future that is not just climate friendly, but downright, positive. With its goal set at hosting a carbon-neutral conference, it has emerged as a pioneering event in history. We’re not talking about your typical conference cuisine here. Picture it: leading discussions over a 1.5°C aligned menu, with more than two-thirds of the spread, either vegetarian or vegan (entirely plant-based). And while, two- thirds does not sound like a lot, take a seat and let it sink in — nearly 250,000 meals were served every single day for a whopping 12 days!!!

While COP 28 crafted its environmental policies  and etched its goal into our lives, it set an unspoken agenda to inspire plant powered menus and conscious trends in the food industry. Before we try to delve into its impact, let’s understand what the 1.5°C menu means.

1.5°C: COP 28 ‘s Culinary Compass towards Conscious Eating

No matter your job or where you work, that number, 1.5°C, is a big deal. It’s like a speed limit for how much the Earth’s temperature can rise before things get tricky. Leaders agreed on this number in the 2015 Paris Agreement, stating that if we go beyond it, some of the effects of climate change could start to become irreversible.

1.5 Plant Based COP 28

Having put in place a 1.5°C aligned menu, the conference reinstated the importance of our climate compass, and gave not just the attendees, but people across the world a directional guide to conscious catering. The menu allowed delegates to enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack without exceeding the individual “budget” of 2.3k CO2e per day. Even on a large-scale event like this one, efforts were made to minimise waste, provide sustainable packaging, source local and regional produce, and recycle where possible.

Plant Based Menus Take The Centre Stage

In addition to expressing a global commitment to environmental responsibility, COP 28 ‘s uncompromising concentration on a menu that was primarily plant-based indicates an important turning point in culinary trends. The emphasis on incorporating more vegetarian and plant-based options stems not only from an ethical standpoint but also from a pragmatic response to changing consumer preferences. Restaurants, often regarded as trendsetters, are waking up to the growing demand for environmentally friendly dining experiences, while being presented with a special chance to match this need with their offerings.

Creative and delicious plant-based dishes may appear more frequently on menus, catering to a wide range of palates from flexitarians looking to explore greener options to ardent vegans.  By doing this, restaurants can become partners in promoting environmental stewardship and help lower the carbon footprint associated with food production. While some may find the shift demanding, it simultaneously unlocks doors to unparalleled innovation and culinary creativity. Plant- based options could be a difficult segment for everyone to get into but it also gives way to creativity and innovation in cooking. Chefs are given the chance to play around with flavours, textures, and ingredients to create dishes that satisfy palates while also adhering to ethical and environmental standards.

Plant-based Food

Impact Beyond The Kitchen

This transformation isn’t confined to crafting plant-based menus; it resonates far beyond the confines of restaurant and hotel kitchens, extending its reach into our very homes. While numerous cafes and restaurants have already embraced a commitment to local, organic, and sustainable ingredients, COP28 emerges as a trailblazer, taking a spot as a legacy-maker for this evolving trend. It goes beyond just a culinary shift, and symbolises a dedication to environmental responsibility, infusing a delectable essence into the evolving narrative of pant-based food. The idea of kitchens returning to their roots, where each ingredient becomes a pledge to the planet, is not only a visionary concept but also a compelling reality that COP28 is championing.

Bottom Line

Welcoming more plant-based options on the menu can bring both challenges and exciting opportunities for restaurants. While it might seem like a chance to shine and make a mark in the industry today, in the long run, it’s going to be the key to survival for many. To all my friends in the restaurant business, here’s a friendly tip: let those challenges be the stepping stones to showcase your culinary expertise. It’s not just about adapting to the changing scene; it’s about thriving while balancing responsibility and the joy of creating delicious dishes. So, chefs and restaurateurs, gear up for a journey that thrives on a sweet balance of responsibility and flavorful delight. 


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