In a world where culinary landscapes are constantly evolving, the millennial generation stands at the forefront, wielding influence over the Food and Beverage (F&B) sector like never before. With a penchant for adventure, an eye for...
In the wake of the global pandemic, the culinary world has undergone a profound transformation. As the hospitality industry adapts to a post-Covid era, chefs are steering through uncharted waters with resilience and innovation. Two culinary...
Global Water-bottle sales are expected to reach over USD 300 billion by 2024. The water bottling industry is a source of refreshment, hydration, and...
Pakistan is experiencing its greatest economic crisis ever as a result of a significant lack of foreign exchange reserves in the nation. Pakistan's foreign...
According to the Gen Z vs. Millennials Youth Snacking Trends Report by Knit, an Austin, Texas-based research firm, consumers chose snacks based on flavours,...
Culinary Tourism is a new experience that is becoming a significant phenomenon worldwide, with culinary tours available for almost every major country. Culinary tourism...
Foods or drinks that have undergone regulated microbial growth, as well as the enzymatic conversion of food components, are referred to as fermented foods....
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