In Bengaluru, a Zomato delivery partner was captured on video eating food from the delivery bag while waiting at a traffic signal. The video quickly spread across social media, raising doubts about whether the food he was consuming belonged to a customer or if it was his own meal taken during working hours.
The viral video captured the delivery partner behind his bike, indulging in small bites of what appeared to be snacks, possibly fries, taken from the delivery bag while waiting at the signal. A fellow commuter at the same signal recorded the incident and shared it on Facebook with the caption, “For all those who order from Zomato / Swiggy.”
The internet is divided as a few people argue that the delivery agent is breaching the rules, and some people stood with him, saying it might be his own food. A user commented, “The vendor must seal the food perfectly and see that it’s not tampered.”
Another person said, “Common sense is that’s his office bag with name and logo and expected to have food to be delivered. It’s in best interest to keep a separate pouch or bag for their own food to avoid being a target if food companies want to be reliable and expect to have a huge market and keep up with the rapid growth.”
Meanwhile, a section of people argued, “It is not fair to jump the gun as it could be his own food.”
“Pack will be sealed, He might be eating his own food. Without knowing correctly or seeing with my own eyes, I don’t believe such posts. Never blame a person so easily who does hard work for bread,” another user commented.
However, Zomato is yet to provide clarification regarding the incident that took the internet by storm. A similar incident occurred in the food delivery business in the national capital earlier.