Dabur, one of India’s leading FMCG giants, is set to respond to a trademark infringement notice issued by the Delhi High Court on February 5. The notice, reported by Bar and Bench, relates to the use of the term “Schezwan Chutney” for one of Dabur’s products, a name contested by Tata Consumer-owned Capital Foods.
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Capital Foods, the maker of popular brands like Ching’s Secret and Smith & Jones, has accused Dabur of violating its trademark. The company claims “Schezwan Chutney” is a brand it has heavily invested in promoting and alleges Dabur is misleading customers by using the same name and similar packaging. Capital Foods also alleges that Dabur emphasizes the product name in bold letters while downplaying its own branding, further confusing consumers.
Dabur, which introduced its version of Schezwan Chutney last year, has countered the claims by approaching the Trademarks Registry to cancel the trademark registration for the term. According to Dabur, “Schezwan Chutney” is a generic descriptor that refers to the type of product and should not be trademarked. The company argues that allowing trademark protection for such a term would unfairly restrict competitors in the market.
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This case comes shortly after Tata Consumer acquired Capital Foods in January 2024, strengthening its foothold in fast-growing, high-margin product categories. Capital Foods has previously initiated legal action to protect its “Schezwan Chutney” trademark, reinforcing its commitment to defending the brand’s identity.
As both companies gear up for the February court date, the outcome could have significant implications for branding practices and intellectual property rights in the FMCG sector. For now, consumers will have to wait and watch as the battle over “Schezwan Chutney” unfolds.