Ola Electric, the Bengaluru-based leader in electric vehicles, has announced the appointment of Pritam Das Mohapatra as the new company secretary and compliance officer, effective December 30, 2024.
Pritam Das Mohapatra Appointed as the new Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
This decision, approved by the company’s board of directors on the same day, follows the resignation of the previous compliance officer two months ago.
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Ola Electric’s founder and CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, expressed his enthusiasm for Mohapatra’s appointment, noting the importance of strong corporate governance as the company continues to grow and expand its reach in the market.
About the new Top Executive
Mohapatra, an associate member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, holds both a law degree and a bachelor’s degree in commerce. With over 14 years of experience in corporate law, regulatory compliance, and governance, he is well-equipped for this role. His prior work experience includes positions at companies such as Merabo Labs, ANI Technologies, Ola Fleet Technologies, and Zuari InfraWorld India. Additionally, he has no family ties or other relationships with Ola Electric’s board members, which ensures his independence in the role.
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In his new position, Mohapatra will oversee Ola Electric’s compliance with regulations set by bodies like the Securities and Exchange Board of India. His expertise in corporate governance and IPO listings is expected to strengthen the company’s adherence to legal and regulatory standards.