Tea production in Assam and West Bengal is facing significant cÍŹhalÍŹlenÍŹges thÍŹis seasÍŹon, witÍŹhÍŹ ÍŹinÍŹduÍŹstryÍŹ souÍŹrces reporÍŹtiÍŹng that insuffiÍŹcieÍŹnt rainfall and excessiÍŹveÍŹ heat are severely ÍŹhampeÍŹringÍŹ output.AccordingÍŹ to tÍŹhe Tea Association of InÍŹdia (TAIÍŹ), ÍŹdaÍŹta froÍŹm...
Tea production witnessed a 12.06% surge in October this year, reaching 182.84 million kg, marking a significant increase from the 163.15 million kg recorded...
Tea production across the country witnessed a decline of approximately four percent in August of this year, with the total output reaching 177.95 million...
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