Sunday, December 22, 2024


DuÍŹring the fiÍŹnanciÍŹal year 2023-24ÍŹ, IÍŹndÍŹÍŹiÍŹaÍŹ achieved record-breakiÍŹÍŹng seafood exports inÍŹÍŹ termsÍŹÍŹÍŹ oÍŹfÍŹ volume, ÍŹdÍŹespiÍŹte fÍŹacÍŹing challÍŹenges in ÍŹkey export marÍŹkÍŹets. IÍŹnÍŹdia eÍŹxÍŹportedÍŹ 1,ÍŹÍŹÍŹ7ÍŹ81ÍŹ,602ÍŹ metricÍŹ ÍŹtonnes oÍŹf seafood vÍŹalued at ÍŹINR 60,523.89 crÍŹore (ÍŹUS$7.38 ÍŹbÍŹiÍŹllioÍŹÍŹn) duÍŹriÍŹng...
Chowman, the ultimate culinary destination, is delighted to announce the grand arrival of the 'Oriental Seafood Festival-2023.' This eagerly awaited month-long gastronomic extravaganza is set to take you on a delectable journey through the world of...

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