Sunday, December 22, 2024


With above-normal rainfall being recorded across the country, FMCG giant Dabur announced ahead of its quarterly results for FY25 that its beverage segment hasÍŹÍŹ beenÍŹÍŹ impactedÍŹÍŹ byÍŹÍŹ theseÍŹÍŹ weatherÍŹÍŹ conditions.DeclineÍŹÍŹ inÍŹÍŹ Out-of-HomeÍŹÍŹ Sales:"AlthoughÍŹÍŹ demandÍŹÍŹ trendsÍŹÍŹ wereÍŹÍŹ...
Tea production in Assam and West Bengal is facing significant cÍŹhalÍŹlenÍŹges thÍŹis seasÍŹon, witÍŹhÍŹ ÍŹinÍŹduÍŹstryÍŹ souÍŹrces reporÍŹtiÍŹng that insuffiÍŹcieÍŹnt rainfall and excessiÍŹveÍŹ heat are severely ÍŹhampeÍŹringÍŹ output.AccordingÍŹ to tÍŹhe Tea Association of InÍŹdia (TAIÍŹ), ÍŹdaÍŹta froÍŹm...

Erratic rainfall causes 20% surge in rice prices within 10 days

Industry executives report that the recent unequal distribution of rainfall in the primary rice cultivation regions has resulted in a notable surge in grain...

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