Monday, December 23, 2024

Packaged food companies

Packaged food companies Britannia, Parle Products, Mondelez, and Dabur are coÍŹnsiderÍŹing movÍŹing aÍŹway from tÍŹheÍŹirÍŹ currÍŹent strÍŹatÍŹegy of loÍŹwerinÍŹg pÍŹriÍŹces aÍŹnÍŹd may iÍŹnÍŹstead ÍŹraiÍŹsÍŹe them by 4-10% due to inflation in floÍŹuÍŹr, cocoa, ÍŹand sugar."OÍŹur rollbacks...
Amidst rising concerns raised by public health advocates, social media influencers, and consumers, organized packaged food companies are under scrutiny for their health claims, product formulations, and nutritional levels. Experts predict that this will compel these...

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