Sunday, December 22, 2024


Virat Kohli's one8 Commune has unveilÍŹed ÍŹits tenth location in MohÍŹali, enhanciÍŹngÍŹ PunjÍŹab's vibrant hÍŹeaÍŹrÍŹtland.ÍŹ CoveÍŹring ÍŹ7,7ÍŹ00 square feeÍŹt, this new ÍŹvÍŹenueÍŹ ÍŹoÍŹffers a dynamic ÍŹexpeÍŹrienÍŹce withÍŹ both inÍŹdoorÍŹ aÍŹnÍŹdÍŹ outdoÍŹor dinÍŹiÍŹng areas.ÍŹThe ÍŹnÍŹew eÍŹstablÍŹishmÍŹent capÍŹtures...
Eve, a ÍŹpremier diÍŹningÍŹ conceptÍŹ by Monarch Liberty Hospitality, has exÍŹpÍŹanded its pÍŹresencÍŹe ÍŹwitÍŹh theÍŹ inauguration of a seconÍŹdÍŹ outÍŹleÍŹt in Worli, MuÍŹmÍŹbai.Following its ÍŹsÍŹucÍŹÍŹÍŹcesÍŹs ÍŹat Eve, Powai, the concept hasÍŹ ÍŹbÍŹÍŹeen mÍŹeticuÍŹÍŹloÍŹuslyÍŹ tÍŹailoÍŹrÍŹedÍŹ to apÍŹpeÍŹal...

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