Monday, December 23, 2024


Kadamba Single-Malt Whisky shines globally, clinching multiple gold medals

The 2024ÍŹ Spirits International Prestige (SIP) Awards thaÍŹt wÍŹas held in CalÍŹifornia, ÍŹUSÍŹA, shÍŹowcÍŹased an exceptional selection of top-ranked single maltÍŹ whiÍŹskiÍŹes aÍŹnd blended...

Goa-based gin brand Terry Sent Me! wins top global award

Goa-based gin brand Terry Sent Me! has been honÍŹoÍŹred wiÍŹth the ConteÍŹmporaryÍŹ ÍŹGin SiÍŹlÍŹver title at thÍŹe renowneÍŹd InternaÍŹtÍŹioÍŹnal Wine aÍŹnÍŹd SÍŹpirit ComÍŹpetition (IWSC),ÍŹ...

ABDL launches Zoya Special Batch Premium Gin in Mumbai

Allied Blenders and Distillers Limited (ABDL), the third-largest Indian IMFL company in terms of annual sales volumes from Fiscal 2014 to Fiscal 2022, has...

The Beer Cafe expands with opening of 50th outlet in Ludhiana, Punjab

The Beer Cafe has launched its 50th outlet in Ludhiana, Punjab, underscoring its innovative presence in the alco-beverage industry. To mark this notable achievement,...

Finland to ease alcohol restrictions in supermarkets, allowing higher ABV beverages

The Finnish parliament has voted to raise the maximum alcohol content limit for drinks sold in supermarkets from 5.5% to 8% ABV.According to Helsinki...

Black Lines introduces new ready-to-serve alcoholic spritz

Black Lines, a cocktail producer headquartered in the UK, has just introduced its newest creation, the Black Lines Hugo Spritz.Crafted with sapling gin, sparkling...

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