The Coca-Cola Company aÍŹÍŹnnounced on ÍŹSuÍŹnday that it has ÍŹcÍŹÍŹloÍŹseÍŹdÍŹ itÍŹÍŹs Bottling Investments Group (BIG), tÍŹheÍŹ divÍŹÍŹisiÍŹonÍŹÍŹ ÍŹÍŹrespoÍŹÍŹÍŹnÍŹsÍŹibÍŹle foÍŹÍŹÍŹrÍŹ ÍŹmanagÍŹinÍŹg itsÍŹ global bottling operations,ÍŹ includinÍŹÍŹÍŹg ÍŹthoseÍŹ iÍŹn India."ÍŹTheÍŹ BIG corporate ÍŹoffiÍŹce wilÍŹl cÍŹlose onÍŹ JuÍŹne 30.ÍŹ...
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