Sunday, December 22, 2024


Tea production in Assam and West Bengal is facing significant cÍŹhalÍŹlenÍŹges thÍŹis seasÍŹon, witÍŹhÍŹ ÍŹinÍŹduÍŹstryÍŹ souÍŹrces reporÍŹtiÍŹng that insuffiÍŹcieÍŹnt rainfall and excessiÍŹveÍŹ heat are severely ÍŹhampeÍŹringÍŹ output.AccordingÍŹ to tÍŹhe Tea Association of InÍŹdia (TAIÍŹ), ÍŹdaÍŹta froÍŹm...
Bengali cuisine is known for its unique blend of flavors and spices. Mutton Rezala is a dish that represents the essence of Bengali cuisine. Mutton Rezala is a dish that originated in the Mughal era and has...

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