Following the success of SAGA, Gurugram, visionary food and beverage entrepreneur Vishal Anand is embarking on yet another captivating venture. Moonshine Food Ventures (MFVL) has once again joined forces with acclaimed Indian chef Atul Kochhar, who will serve as the chef partner for their highly anticipated upcoming establishment, Glasshouse: World Grill & Bar, situated at Worldmark in Gurugram.
Chef Kochhar is set to amaze guests at Glasshouse: World Grill & Bar with a thoughtfully crafted menu that promises delightful surprises at every turn.
On his second association with Moonshine Food Ventures, Chef Kochhar shares “I am overjoyed with my second innings with MFVL. We wanted to offer our patrons a brand-new spot to relax, unwind, and party and what better than a restaurant that gives the perfect view of the setting sun and the glittering stars in the night sky. Glasshouse serves a spread of borderless cuisine by amalgamating the global techniques and ingredient. We’re hopeful the food enthusiasts will appreciate our ambiance and the flavours of our bespoke offerings.”
Renowned for their culinary expertise, MFVL is celebrated for infusing every dish with passion and an innovative touch, ensuring a constant sense of novelty across their diverse portfolio of brands.
“We intend to create a strong portfolio of experiential and iconic restaurants with a mix of diverse and landmark concepts. Steady growth is what I truly believe in and would want MFVL to be recognized as one of the key organizations committed to bring in the best of places to have a wholesome dining experience,” quotes Anand.