Bigbasket, an omnichannel grocery delivery firm, has teamed up with more than 30,000 farmers to provide organically grown fruits, vegetables, and staples at͏͏ prices͏͏ equivalent͏͏ to͏͏ conventionally͏͏ grown͏͏ products.
Expanding͏͏ Organic Offerings:
By͏͏ collaborating͏͏ with͏͏ over͏͏ 2,000͏͏ organic͏͏ fruit͏͏ and͏͏ vegetable͏͏ farmers͏͏ and͏͏ 28,000͏͏ agri-commodity͏͏ producers͏͏ via͏͏ registered͏͏ farmer͏͏ producer͏͏ organisations͏͏ (FPOs),͏͏ Bigbasket͏͏ now͏͏ provides͏͏ more͏͏ than͏͏ 50͏͏ varieties͏͏ of͏͏ organically͏͏ grown͏͏ fruits͏͏ and͏͏ vegetables,͏͏ alongside͏͏ over͏͏ 100͏͏ grocery͏͏ staples.
Over͏͏ the͏͏ last͏͏ financial͏͏ year,͏͏ the͏͏ retailer’s͏͏ organic͏͏ category͏͏ has͏͏ recorded͏͏ a͏͏ month-on-month͏͏ sales͏͏ growth͏͏ of͏͏ 15-17%.͏͏ Organic͏͏ products͏͏ now͏͏ make͏͏ up͏͏ 22%͏͏ of͏͏ its͏͏ staples͏͏ sales,͏͏ while͏͏ sales͏͏ of͏͏ organically͏͏ grown͏͏ fruits͏͏ and͏͏ vegetables͏͏ have͏͏ risen͏͏ by͏͏ 50%,͏͏ contributing͏͏ to͏͏ 8%͏͏ of͏͏ total͏͏ fresh͏͏ produce͏͏ sales,͏͏ according͏͏ to͏͏ the͏͏ company.
Continue͏͏ Exploring:͏͏ BigBasket to͏͏ phase͏͏ out͏͏ slotted͏͏ deliveries,͏͏ merge͏͏ BBdaily͏͏ into͏͏ main͏͏ app
Addressing͏͏ Cost͏͏ Barriers:
“The͏͏ cost͏͏ difference͏͏ between͏͏ organic͏͏ and͏͏ conventional͏͏ products͏͏ has͏͏ historically͏͏ posed͏͏ a͏͏ significant͏͏ challenge͏͏ for͏͏ consumers,”͏͏ said͏͏ Seshu͏͏ Kumar,͏͏ Chief͏͏ Buying͏͏ and͏͏ Merchandising͏͏ Officer͏͏ at͏͏ Bigbasket.͏͏ “By͏͏ eliminating͏͏ this͏͏ price͏͏ gap,͏͏ we͏͏ are͏͏ addressing͏͏ a͏͏ crucial͏͏ barrier,͏͏ enabling͏͏ more͏͏ people͏͏ to͏͏ experience͏͏ the͏͏ advantages͏͏ of͏͏ organic͏͏ food.”
“This͏͏ initiative͏͏ not͏͏ only͏͏ supports͏͏ our͏͏ customers͏͏ but͏͏ also͏͏ empowers͏͏ farmers͏͏ by͏͏ broadening͏͏ the͏͏ market͏͏ for͏͏ their͏͏ organic͏͏ produce,”͏͏ he͏͏ added.
The͏͏ company͏͏ aids͏͏ its͏͏ farmers͏͏ by͏͏ employing͏͏ technologies͏͏ such͏͏ as͏͏ geotagging͏͏ to͏͏ track͏͏ sowing͏͏ and͏͏ harvest͏͏ schedules,͏͏ along͏͏ with͏͏ offering͏͏ weather͏͏ forecasts͏͏ and͏͏ strategies͏͏ to͏͏ mitigate͏͏ climate-related͏͏ risks.͏͏ Additionally,͏͏ Bigbasket͏͏ has͏͏ launched͏͏ a͏͏ digital͏͏ labelling͏͏ system͏͏ that͏͏ improves͏͏ traceability͏͏ by͏͏ connecting͏͏ each͏͏ product͏͏ to͏͏ its͏͏ respective͏͏ farmer.
Based͏͏ in͏͏ Bengaluru,͏͏ Bigbasket͏͏ was͏͏ established͏͏ in͏͏ 2011͏͏ by͏͏ Hari͏͏ Menon,͏͏ VS͏͏ Sudhakar,͏͏ V͏͏ S͏͏ Ramesh,͏͏ Vipul͏͏ Parekh,͏͏ and͏͏ Abhinay͏͏ Choudari.͏͏ In͏͏ May͏͏ 2021,͏͏ Tata͏͏ Digital,͏͏ a͏͏ wholly-owned͏͏ subsidiary͏͏ of͏͏ Tata͏͏ Sons,͏͏ acquired͏͏ a͏͏ 64%͏͏ stake͏͏ in͏͏ Supermarket͏͏ Grocery͏͏ Supplies,͏͏ the͏͏ parent͏͏ company͏͏ of͏͏ Bigbasket.͏͏ Bigbasket͏͏ is͏͏ currently͏͏ managed͏͏ by͏͏ Innovative͏͏ Retail͏͏ Concepts,͏͏ a͏͏ subsidiary͏͏ of͏͏ Supermarket͏͏ Grocery͏͏ Supplies.
The͏͏ company͏͏ now͏͏ operates͏͏ in͏͏ over͏͏ 400͏͏ cities͏͏ across͏͏ India,͏͏ processing͏͏ approximately͏͏ 15͏͏ million͏͏ customer͏͏ orders͏͏ each͏͏ month.